Let's Break Bread is so honored to cook meals for the Thurman Brisben Homeless Shelter Inc

From the website below:
"The Brisben Center is the greater community’s largest full service, year-round, residential emergency homeless center. This unique facility opened in 2005 as the result of a vision and partnership among the leadership of the nonprofit Thurman Brisben Homeless Shelter, Inc., the City of Fredericksburg and the greater community.
In the late 1980s, many downtown faith organizations initially founded the Center, and today 200 area community and faith-based organizations support it across the four-county community. It provides a safe and secure, staffed 24-hour temporary residence for the homeless 365 days a year.
It can simultaneously serve up to 80 homeless women, children and men with a wide range of services. The Center is a critical port in the storm for those experiencing homelessness in our community, including many veterans. At Brisben, hundreds of volunteers and supporters from our greater community serve the region’s homeless each year.